famke van hagen
Self-taught photographer Famke van Hagen grew up in the Netherlands where her childhood consisted of endless travels where she got immersed in to different cultures. At the age of 20 she moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the arts. Photography had always been an obsession for van Hagen and she found satisfaction in capturing raw, natural beauty on camera.
Her strength lies in shooting on location with all natural light, captivating dream-like scenarios.

Jon Watzlawick
Jon Watzlawick is a photographer, designer, writer and all round artist, located in Cannes and Bali. Jon works analog in black and white or soft, muted color, taking intimate photographs that celebrate natural beauty and the female form.

diana pfammatter

Photographer Diana Pfammatter has an eye for portraits that disarm. Whether she is shooting big-name artists or intimate pictures with good friends, she creates scenes that feel surprisingly spontaneous. The images on her website reveal that she has the ability to level with each of her subjects before the camera until the shared smiles and shyness of humanity is teased out and laid bare. This openness extends to close-cropped details of the body, where the folds and creases of skin become a new form of embodied abstraction.

jonas bresnan